Fuck You.
I was listening to the Joe Rogan Experience podcast this morning and it was his episode with Kevin Hart. In the episode, they talk about a lot of different things, but the one that stood out to me was their conversation about social media and positive/negative energy. With that being said, this is kind of a little experiment for me.
One of the points that Joe and Kevin brought up was the idea that being negative is the “cool” thing to do. Let me try to explain a little bit. When you’re scrolling through Instagram or twitter, what are most of the headlines? Or when you watch the news, what’s getting the attention? Personally, I’ve noticed that most of the stories that get the most traction are the negative ones. That’s not to say that all of the news on the internet or Tv is negative, but the majority of what I see online is something around negativity. To further expand on the idea of negativity, there are a lot of people on the internet who do nothing but hate on other people and what they do. They expend a lot of their time and energy just to leave negative comments rather than to push positivity.
The reason that I have this blog post titled “Fuck You” is honestly just to see if more people are inclined to click on it and read it simply because of the title that gives off a negative connotation for lack of better words. Of course, simply making a blog to see if people will click on it isn’t the only reason that I would spend my time writing something. I figured if somebody decided to actually open this, I might as well leave some words of encouragement and positivity.
One thing that I have learned over the past few weeks is that your life can literally change for the better at any moment. Keep pushing. There’s always this one image that pops into my head when I think of the idea of perseverance. The image shows two parallel people underground digging away looking for diamonds. On the top, there is a man who is far away from the diamonds but appears to have so much energy to keep digging. On the bottom, there’s another man who is so close to the diamonds, but starts to walk away. If he had continued to keep digging for even just a little longer, he would have hit the jackpot. Again, you never know when your life can change for the better and you never know how close you are to your dreams and goals unless you keep that relentless energy to keep pushing forward. (I’ll also add the picture down below in case none of that made any sense lol.)
Another idea that I want to touch on real quick is the idea of support. There’s this misconception that in order for us to succeed and win that others have to fail or lose. That is honestly the dumbest idea that I’ve heard lol. When it comes to our careers or anything that we want to do, there’s enough room for everybody at the top. As humans, the way that we are going to be able to get to the top is if we encourage each other and keep setting the bar higher and higher so that we can achieve new heights that we probably don’t even know that we are capable of reaching. We are capable of more than we think. Let’s all push each other to the next level and show love rather than tearing each other down and pushing that negative energy.
If you read this, please share it. Let’s spread more positivity, we all need that energy.
To Live and Prosper
- JSquared